Liu Zongzhi Delivered Academic Report

Published: 2024-09-05      Visits:10

On September 5, 2024, Dr. Liu Zongzhi from the China Cooperative Research Institute gave a special report titled True and False Monkey King - Evaluation of the Impact and Effect of China's Cooperative Subsidy Policy at the Guangxue Building. All students in the institute listened to the report. Liu Zongzhi first had a lively discussion with all students in the college on the issues of financial subsidies and the development of cooperatives. Under the theme of government subsidies and market efficiency, the paper focuses on how government subsidies lead to inefficient market participants making market decisions, rather than the story of why traditional inefficient entities exist. The paper takes farmers' professional cooperatives as an example to explain the phenomenon of shell cooperatives from the perspectives of information asymmetry and rent-seeking motivation, and provides empirical evidence for verification. In the context of information asymmetry, the competition among cooperatives for financial subsidies has gradually evolved into a competition for rent-seeking ability rather than economic efficiency. This not only leads to improper allocation and even waste of resources, but also causes social welfare losses and income inequality. Therefore, in order to prevent strategic behavior of farmers' professional cooperatives, the supervision of farmers' professional cooperatives should be optimized. The original intention of the subsidy policy for farmers' cooperatives is good, and future policy formulation needs to focus on optimizing policy implementation rather than policy termination. Finally, a large number of examples were given to illustrate the writing techniques and precautions for writing papers in terms of research objectives, data, and innovation, and to deeply analyze the key and difficult points of academic research.

(Written by: Liu Shidong Reviewed by: Dong Xiaobo)

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